Sherborne Beekeepers' Association
Education And Training
During 2025 the SBKA hope to run a 6 week introductory course on Beekeeping. The course syllabus is below, and will give a sound introduction to the basics. Students will have the opportunity to gain hands-on experience of colony management, and remove some of the myths about bees.
Watch this space for details of the next course
If you are interested, please complete the contact form, and a member of the association will be in touch.

Week 1 - The life of the honeybee queen, worker and drone
Mar 2025
Development of the Queen, worker and drone
Identify brood in all stages and honey, nectar and pollen in the comb
Periods spent as egg, larva pupa and adult summer and winter bees life span
Collection and use of pollen, nectar, water and propolis
How the honeybee passes the winter

Week 2 - Equipment
Personal equipment needed to open a hive of honeybees
and importance of cleanliness.
Able to name and explain the functions of the principle parts of the modern beehive. Different types of hives and their advantages and disadvantages
Use of hive tool, smoker and other tools; spray, queen cages, nucs, markers bucket for washing soda
Effects of stings and treatment
Week 3 - The Beekeeping Year
Growth of the colony
Spring Inspections
Swarming Season

Week 4 - Queens, Swarming and swarm control
Reasons for swarming and events during swarming
One method for swarm control
How to collect a swarm
Signs of queenlessness and tests
Laying workers and drone laying queens
How to introduce a new queen
Reasons for uniting colonies and one method of uniting colonies

Week 5 - Pests and Diseases
The appearance of healthy brood
Symptoms of AFB and EFB, chalk brood and sac brood
Varroa and its effects
Treatments for varroa including integrated pest
Adult bee diseases Acarine and Nosema symptoms
Disease diagnosis and sampling bees
Notifiable diseases and legislation
Wax moth, mice, woodpeckers, wasps and precautions

Week 6 - Honey harvest and the annual cycle
Feeding the bees sugar syrup/fondant/pollen supplement
Robbing and prevention
Harvesting honey and wax and legal
requirements of bottling and selling honey; hygiene
Apiary hygiene and comb change
Flowers for Bees
Practical Sessions
Following Weekends
This will be weather dependent - details will be announced at the training Sessions